Strickgarnschnitzel: Clippings of knitting yarn.


Strickgarnschnitzel: Clippings of knitting yarn.

Friday, September 09, 2005

It's Friday!!

Ah, finally Friday. A long week and a short week all at once. Cory's best friend visited over the weekend, and it was so nice to see him. Kit loved visiting with her Uncle D. I've been fitting some crafts into little spaces of time, but haven't finished anything. I started using a set of 1mm needles and some homespun wool thread I picked up at the Amana colonies in Iowa over a year ago. I'm knitting a Barbie sweater. For now. We'll see. It's hurting my hands to use needles that small. Maybe there's a way I can make them easier to hold. I'm also working on items for the Craftster "Stash swap" with Annim in Estonia, and am really looking forward to swapping with an overseas partner. This weekend will be more relaxing that the last few, and I'm hoping to get lots of knitting done. We'll see.

Meanwhile, here's another fun little time-waster:

Mechanical Electronic Lifeform Intended for Sabotage and Scientific Assassination


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